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IN FOCUS : ShareAction


Solidarity and Social Economy

Share Action is an NGO focused on making sure that the financial system uses its power for good.
«We research investor efforts with regards to sustainability, and we rank them for instance by looking at how well they are doing on topics like climate change, biodiversity, workers’ rights and health issues when they invest » explains Maria van der Heide, Head of EU Policy who manages 4 people in their offices in Mundo Matonge.

« These rankings are taken seriously by investors, as well as policymakers. We engage with investors to have them invest more sustainably. In Brussels, we try to reform the rules that guide investors. We meet with policy makers in the European Parliament, the European Commission and in the different member states to share the research findings and our recommendations on how EU laws should change to put sustainability central. » In terms of success for this year, Maria highlights the fact that they get more and more support from investors and policymakers for their proposals, for instance on the topic of making transition plans mandatory for the financial industry. Finally, in 2 years of activity in Belgium, Share Action in Brussels grew from 1 to 5 employees which is definitely a reason to celebrate – and to be at the
office more often! «We chose Mundo Matonge because of its commitment to sustainability and because of the many great organisations here; the cross pollination between organisations is great and it’s very easy to meet them here.»