Non-profit organisations
The Mundo centres host more than 220 socially engaged organisations that are contributing to sustainable development and the creation of a fairer and more equitable society.
Association des Archivistes Francophones de Belgique
Association des Archivistes Francophones de Belgique (AAFB) est une association représentant les archivistes et gestionnaires de l’information francophones de Belgique. Elle compte une centaine de membres qui partagent une passion et un métier communs: la gestion et la valorisation des archives et de l’information.
Pro Velo
To develop and facilitate cycling in Belgium, Pro Velo has been supporting individuals, public authorities, schools and businesses since 1992. Our range of services aims to make cycling accessible to everyone through personalised support. In this way, Pro Velo contributes to a better quality of life!
Moulin du Bois de la Hutte
200 cooperative members have come together to build a wind turbine for the community. Éolouve, the first 100% community wind turbine built by the Émissions Zéro (EZ) and Nosse Moulin cooperatives, which have come together to form Moulin du Bois de la Hutte (MBH), was inaugurated in 2022.
European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)
In most European countries, higher education institutions or study programmes are subject to regular external review by a quality assurance agency.
European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) is the official register of such agencies, listing those that work in line with an agreed common framework to ensure the quality of higher education institutions and study programmes.
We mainly work with companies with clear environmental and/or social commitments.
We favour service providers, suppliers and partners operating in the social economy or involved in social reintegration, in line with our values.
CF2D is a social enterprise with an integration mandate (ESMI) active in the social economy and specialising in the recycling and reuse of computer equipment. CF2D trains integration workers as IT reuse specialists. It has a shop that is open to the public and supplies computer equipment to SMEs and non-profits in Brussels.
QUERCUS is an innovative architectural firm specialising in sustainable projects. Combining functionality and aesthetics, the team integrates ecological and circular principles to create harmonious and eco-friendly spaces. With this in mind, the firm is committed to using natural materials and environmentally responsible construction techniques. Each project blends functionality, aesthetics and sustainability to meet the client’s specific needs.
La Ferme Nos Pilifs
La Ferme Nos Pilifs is a sheltered workshop and non-profit association whose mission is to provide useful, remunerative and rewarding jobs for 145 workers with disabilities and the 40 or so employees who supervise these extraordinary workers. We are active in various fields within the broader area of sustainable development and respect for people and their environment.
JUUNOO’s catalogue of modular commercial interior products offers premium acoustics, lighting for focused work, confidential calls, and productive meetings. JUUNOO’s innovative designs use sustainably sourced materials and are rooted in circular economy principles, ensuring that all components are reusable, minimising waste and environmental impact throughout the product lifecycle.